Acrylic, ink and pastel on canvas.


Seek Change - part of the From The Darkness Comes the Light collection
40" x 44"

The quantum physicist Max Planck said “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” You may not always be responsible for the changes that come into your life, but you are responsible for changing your outlook and your perspective, because it is through your own perspective that you form your reality.

If you don’t like the way things are looking, change the way you look at them, and then, without a doubt, the things you’ve been looking at will have changed, as well. Change is good. Stagnation is sadness, it is heavy, it is death. Change is hopeful, healthy and beautiful. Seek the change you want to see in your life. You’re the only one who is capable of changing things for yourself, you’re the only one who can truly affect your own reality.

The From The Darkness Comes The Light collection explores the intense feeling of levity that finally strikes after a heavy period of pain and suffering. These works are a reminder not to be afraid of the darkness. In order to release the pain that you’re feeling, you have to feel it. Pain is unpleasant, emotional and physical pain alike. We have associated pain as being a negative emotion, but what if we accepted emotional pain as just another feeling? Just like happiness and joy, it is merely a feeling, and it won’t last forever. This series serves as a reminder that sometimes the greatest joy follows times of intense pain.

Seek Change

Tania LaCaria



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