Brent Andrew Doty

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East end(Beaches), Toronto area artist. OCAD graduate who’s been a full time working artists since 2017. Focusing my artistic adventures on the Serialist medium I created during my thesis year of university. My Serialist medium allows me to combine all my interests into one process. History, research, humour, storytelling and artistic attention to detail.


After years of artistic exploration I, finally, found my voice/visual language in my Serialist method.
Constructing a primary image entirely out of cut & pasted secondary images produces a visually complex visual narrative through these images contextually juxtaposed meaning.
Example: A serialist Donald Trump portrait constructed out of images of Pinocchio. Becomes: Chump Guevara, aka: The Liar in Chief.
With every new serialist painting, I’m constantly trying to do more research, capture more details(painting with paper), and explore this visual storytelling true boundaries. So far, it seems... limitless. #artlife


Acrylic paint on paper on canvas.


Honest Ed's

48” x 72,” 2023
Serialist Painting

This large serialist painting of Honest Ed’s is a captivating amalgamation of historical and biographical images, meticulously crafted to tell the intricate story of the Mirvish family and their profound impact on Toronto. Through a bold, serialist approach, the artist captures the essence of an iconic Toronto landmark that once was, yet is indelibly etched in the city’s memory.

In this composition, layers of images intertwine to form a rich tapestry, echoing the Mirvish family’s journey. The juxtaposition of historical and personal moments creates a visual narrative that underscores their transformation from a humble enterprise into a thriving empire, a testament to decades of hard work and dedication.

The vibrant collage not only encapsulates the physical presence of Honest Ed’s but also delves into the emotional and historical ties that the Mirvish family shares with Toronto. This iconic landmark becomes a symbol of resilience, entrepreneurship, and the city’s evolving identity. This painting is a visual ode to the Mirvish legacy, a testament to their continued influence on Toronto’s cultural and business landscape.

Brent Andrew Doty


Acrylic paint on paper on canvas.


Artists Masterpiece Series: Andy Warhol, Marilyn Monroe

48” x 48,” 2022
Serialist Painting

The artist crafted a vast Serialist Painting that intricately weaves biographical and historical images together by hand. This visual narrative unfolds as a tribute to the legendary Marilyn Monroe. Shortly after her untimely demise, Warhol embarked on a series of Monroe-inspired artworks that would transcend time, etching their place in the annals of artistic history.

These artworks have since become an immortalized testament to both the superstar’s enduring legacy and the artist’s iconic contributions. Over time, both the artist and his muse, Marilyn, have remained fixtures in the collective consciousness, their influence resonating across popular culture, art, and fashion, leaving an indelible mark that transcends their original imaginings.

Brent Andrew Doty


Acrylic paint on paper on canvas.


Artists Masterpiece Series: Vincent Van Gogh, Self Portrait

48” x 60,” 2022
Serialist Painting

This large hand made Serialist painting is constructed entirely out of biographical and historical images. These secondary images tell the story of the mythical Vincent Van Gogh and this modern art masterpiece, his self portrait. Van Gogh is made out of Van Gogh.’ Constructing the narrative that , ‘We are what we create.‘.

This portrait was painted during a period when Vincent was very influenced by japonisme, Japanese prints and their effects on modern art. This painting also represents Vincent’s desire to portray himself and to be seen as a disciplined Asian artisan.

In May of this year, 2023, my Serialist Portrait was showcased by the Van Gogh Museum: Amsterdam. Yet, another career high and association that I will be forever grateful for.

”Be inspired by the detailed portrait of Vincent. Composed of hundreds of images by Brent Andrew Doty. (@BSerialist) This artwork results from more than four months of intensive research and dedication, and the result is astonishing!” - The Van Gogh Museum

Brent Andrew Doty


Acrylic paint on paper on canvas.


Artists Masterpiece Series: Salvador Dalì, Mae West

48” x 72,” 2022
Serialist Painting

This hand-made Serialist painting, a masterpiece of artistic intricacy, vividly portrays Salvador Dali’s imaginative prowess. Within the surreal interior of a room, the iconic Mae West portrait emerges, fusing the dreamlike quality of Surrealism with meticulous attention to detail. It’s a testament to Dali’s genius as a leader of the Surrealist art movement.

The brilliance of this artwork goes beyond its striking visuals. Woven into the very fabric of this piece are biographical and historical images, creating a rich narrative tapestry. These secondary images not only recount the life and artistic journey of Salvador Dali but also delve into the enigmatic world of Mae West. Their profound influence on art and culture at large is brilliantly represented, taking the viewer on a journey through the annals of creativity and surrealism.

Brent Andrew Doty


Acrylic paint on paper on canvas.


Artists Masterpiece Series: Pablo Picasso, Girl Before a Mirror

48” x 60,” 2022
Serialist Painting

The large, hand-made Serialist painting is a masterpiece that intricately weaves together a tapestry of biographical and historical images, serving as a visual biography of the artist, his muse, and the profound impact they had on each other and the art world. The artist in question is Pablo Picasso, and his muse, Marie-Thérèse Walter, who played a pivotal role in shaping his artistic journey.

The painting unfolds a narrative that chronicles the passionate and tumultuous relationship between Picasso and Marie-Thérèse. It captures the intensity of their connection, the joyous and melancholic moments, and the profound influence each had on the other. The imagery within the painting reflects the evolving phases of Picasso’s art, mirroring the shifts in his style that were inspired by Marie-Thérèse and their shared experiences.

As the artist’s muse, Marie-Thérèse Walter served as a wellspring of inspiration for Picasso, infusing his work with sensuality, bold colors, and flowing, organic forms. This profound connection between the artist and his muse, mirrored within the painting, is a testament to the profound impact that personal relationships can have on an artist’s creative process and on the course of art history as a whole.

Brent Andrew Doty


Acrylic paint on paper on canvas.


Artists Masterpiece Series: Gustav Klimt, The Kiss

48” x 60,” 2022
Serialist Painting

This Serialist painting is a masterful amalgamation of biographical and historical imagery. Each element meticulously chosen, it weaves a captivating narrative that unravels the life and artistry of Gustav Klimt, as well as the iconic work, “The Kiss.”

At its core, this artwork mirrors Klimt’s journey, using intricate visuals to portray his biography. Scenes of his early struggles and artistic evolution are depicted, giving viewers a glimpse into his personal growth. The canvas also resonates with the essence of his muse, who was integral to his creations. Her presence echoes through the interwoven images, creating a vivid connection between the artist and his inspiration.

The Viennese art movement, with its distinctive characteristics, is a prominent thread in this visual tapestry. It showcases Klimt’s immersion in the vibrant cultural landscape of Vienna during his time. The iconic motifs and themes that marked this artistic era are cleverly represented, illustrating Klimt’s pivotal role in the movement.

Furthermore, the painting delves into the enduring influence of Klimt and “The Kiss” on subsequent generations of artists. It reflects the ripple effect of his innovative style and the perpetuation of his artistic legacy through time. The artwork serves as a testament to how Klimt’s creations have transcended his era, leaving an indelible mark on the world of art.

In essence, this Serialist masterpiece is a multi-layered tribute to Gustav Klimt, his muse, the Viennese art movement, and the everlasting impact of their collective artistry. It artfully constructs a captivating narrative that invites viewers to explore the depths of Klimt’s life and his indelible contributions to the world of art.

Brent Andrew Doty


Acrylic paint on paper on canvas.


Artists Masterpiece Series: Pablo Picasso, Jacqueline with Flowers

48” x 60,” 2022
Serialist Painting

In this monumental Serialist painting, an intricate web of biographical and historical images meticulously collides to craft a visual tapestry of the legendary artist, Pablo Picasso, and his enduring muse, Jacqueline Roque. The canvas pulsates with an electric narrative, unraveling the multifaceted life of Picasso, intricately detailing his creative evolution and tumultuous personal journey.

The brushstrokes, resembling a chaotic symphony of images, swirl around a central vortex where the stoic countenance of Jacqueline Roque commands attention. A kaleidoscope of colors, shapes, and fragments unfurls, encapsulating Picasso’s Blue Period, the passionate intensity of Guernica, and the bold experimentation of Cubism.

Amidst the cacophony of images, fragments of Picasso’s self-portraits emerge, showing the evolution of his own identity through art. Jacqueline’s presence, too, materializes in various stages of her life, from her youthful allure to the enduring grace that captivated Picasso’s heart.

The artwork, like a palimpsest of history, also encapsulates the cultural impact of this notorious couple. Images of Parisian cafes, bullfights, and the Spanish Civil War are woven into the composition, evoking the zeitgeist of their era. The legacy of Picasso’s radical artistic innovations is symbolized by shattered glass panes and fractured forms, signifying his influence on the art world.

In this Serialist masterpiece, the boundaries between history, biography, and art dissolve, creating a mesmerizing ode to the immortal legacy of Picasso and the enigmatic woman who played an indelible role in his life.

Brent Andrew Doty


Acrylic paint on paper on canvas.


Lake Superior
48” x 48,” 2024
Serialist Painting

This is the newest original serialist painting of Lawren Harris, Lake Superior. This is my fourth adventure exploring The Canadian landscape through the eyes of the Group of Seven and the only one currently available for sale.
This iconic totemic landscape is constructed entirely out of researched, biographic & historic imagery of the artist, his family/friends and artwork. These are then hand painted, cut and pasted together to construct this stunning sunrise on the shores of Lake Superior.

Brent Andrew Doty


Collages, acrylic on paper on canvas (set of 3).


This Serialist painting triptych is 5’ X 12’ when all three panels are hung together. This rendition gives historical, cultural and biographical narratives on the artists, patrons, and times in which this large mural and the Stoclet Palace were created. This golden mural portrays the cycle of human life, love, and emotion. While all the above inevitably will die. Art, however, and the messages there in are eternal.

Brent Andrew Doty


Collages, acrylic on paper on canvas.


This Serialist painting is of Picasso,’ black & white, modern art mural masterpiece. It is the largest painting I have done, to date, and took me almost eight months to complete. My serialist rendition is half the size of Pablo,’ in colour, and constructed entirely out of the many, war crimes/criminals, human atrocities and critical cultural events committed since the original 1937 Guernica bombing. This horrific act by the German Luftwaffe during the Spanish civil as well as his painting would live on in infamy. Done as a means to both inform and warm the public of this tragic event and the awful trajectory it places humans on. This mural was meant as a warning sign to humanity to head Picasso’s warning and NOT to continue down this awful path of indiscriminate death and destruction. Sadly we did NOT head his warning and over the years humanity has only become more capable of cruelty on a truly global scale.

Brent Andrew Doty


Collages, acrylic on paper on canvas.


This serialist painting, another in the Artist’s Masterpiece Series focuses again on Picasso(and his women). This cubist masterpiece was painted in one afternoon and depicts Pablos(50) lover(22), Marie Therese-Walter. The overly sexualized, exaggerated proportions, and simplified colour scheme are what make it one of his best paintings of this exploratory period for Picasso. In my Serialist rendition of this masterpiece I have tried to convey the history, narrative, and myth surrounding this artist and artwork.

Brent Andrew Doty