Brent Andrew Doty

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East end(Beaches), Toronto area artist. OCAD graduate who’s been a full time working artists since 2017. Focusing my artistic adventures on the Serialist medium I created during my thesis year of university. My Serialist medium allows me to combine all my interests into one process. History, research, humour, storytelling and artistic attention to detail.


After years of artistic exploration I, finally, found my voice/visual language in my Serialist method.
Constructing a primary image entirely out of cut & pasted secondary images produces a visually complex visual narrative through these images contextually juxtaposed meaning.
Example: A serialist Donald Trump portrait constructed out of images of Pinocchio. Becomes: Chump Guevara, aka: The Liar in Chief.
With every new serialist painting, I’m constantly trying to do more research, capture more details(painting with paper), and explore this visual storytelling true boundaries. So far, it seems... limitless. #artlife


Collages, acrylic on paper on canvas.


This Serialist painting is of MC Escher, 1921, woodcut, the Scapegoat. Done early in his career this print maybe a more simplified composition then we’re used to seeing from Escher however, it still retains his compositional balance, literally balancing on the centre point, while also his flair for visual tricks and play with 3D forms within a flat space. This Serialist painting is constructed out of historical, religious, and cultural icons both ‘good & bad.’

Brent Andrew Doty


Collages, acrylic on paper on canvas (double sided).


This sculptural serialist painting is of Apple founder, Steve Jobs. This artwork is double sided and portrays this ‘digital deity,’ sitting under a tree(Buddha), where an ‘apple’ falls(Newton, pun intended) all on the screen of the iPhone he created. This sculptural frame is in the shape of an iPhone to be hung from a ceiling to be able to view both sides. The portrait is constructed out of technological advances throughout history as well as mr Jobs own creations and the affect those creations have had on both humans and the speed of human advancements. The back of this painting depicts a faux Tibetan mandala. However, rather than depicting temples at the four compass corners I’ve chosen Apple stores instead. Above and below the Mandala is lined by Egyptian style gods kneeling while in the prayer position while each holds an iPhone rather than scripture. This is our new god!?!

Brent Andrew Doty


Collages, acrylic on paper on canvas.


This Serialist painting portrays Lawren Harris’ arctic seascape titled, Baffin Island. Lawren was born into a wealthy family which freed him of the financial worries most feel. This freedom allowed him to chat his own individual path through the arts. He would study art in Toronto and later Berlin. He would go on to become a founding member and leader of the Group of Seven. This Baffin Island painting represents Lawren’ slow departure from representational art work into the abstract realm. While this painting still retains the smoothness and grandeur that one would come to expect from Harris’ work. One can also see this artists style slowly evolving into more basic shapes, colours and purely abstract compositions to which he would dedicate the rest of his artistic explorations. This painting is my attempt to portray both his life, art, and eventual impact on Canadian history.

Brent Andrew Doty


Collages, acrylic on paper on canvas.


This large Serialist painting is of Picasso’s controversial portrayal of five prostitues in a brothel. Painted in 1907 it shows Pablos interest in African masks and his desire to push the bounds of artistic storytelling further than any other artist at the time. He was so startled by the paintings savagery and flatness that he wouldn’t show the painting public until 1916. Few could presently deny how important this painting is in art history having given birth to both Modernism and Cubism. Constructed out of biographical images of Pablo,’ art, loves, and friendships during this, his most experimental, time in his life living in Paris. While this modern art masterpiece currently hangs in the MOMA’ permanent collection in NYC. However, you can own this Serialist painting and hang it in your home today.

Brent Andrew Doty


Collages, acrylic on paper on canvas.


This Is another in the Artists Masterpiece Series: Woman in a Yellow Necklace. It tells the story of Picasso’s volatile love affair and evolutionary artistic experimentation with Francoise Gilot. Picasso would have two children(Claude & Paloma) with Gilot and she was the only woman to leave Picasso. This painting is assembled using some of the many works she modeled for and other biographical images of her time with Picasso. This famous portrait also captures the intense and sometimes physical nature of this love affair. Francoise’ ‘beauty Mark’ in this painting is actually a cigarette burn from one of Pablos cigarettes that occurred during a brief physical entanglement. While Gilot was already an accomplished artist prior to meeting Picasso. After their split she found his attempts to eliminate any interest in her art within the artistic community, so successful, that she was, ultimately, forced wrote a tell all book to raise funds for her and her children to live. Pablo attempted to block the release of this book, unsuccessfully!

Brent Andrew Doty


Collages, acrylic on paper on canvas.


Serialist painting of Roy Lichtenstein,’ pop art masterpiece, M-M-maybe. His use of the Ben day dot printing method and appropriation of comic book imagery put him at the head of the 1960s pop art pack. This artist masterpiece series allows me to, not only, dive deeper into art history but also to paint in each subjects style while still retaining my own serialist method in my contemporary reimagining of these artworks.

Brent Andrew Doty


Collages, acrylic on paper on canvas.


This serialist painting of Norwegian artist, Edvard Munch, The Scream. It is constructed entirely out of biographical & historical images of the Munch family and the history of this paintings inception through his many drawings, varied renditions of this theme and his other paintings as well. While Minch will always be remembered for this one painting. Few realize that he painted it six different times.

Brent Andrew Doty


Collages, acrylic on paper on canvas.


This large sculptural serialist painting’ frame is constructed in the shape of a book. The ‘cover’ is assembled out of many of the characters from this legendary 80s children’s film. Where as the ‘pages’ on the frame depict Michael Ende the author of this German fairy tale. This film is primarily responsible for my book obsession that I still carry with me to this day. This film was a big part of many 80s kids adolescence and the reason why they still cry when they see a horse.

Brent Andrew Doty


Collages, acrylic on paper on canvas.


Serialist painting of the Beastie Boys robot from their music video for the song, Intergalactic. The Beastie Boys started as a punk band in nyc in the early 1980s. This painting is assembled using images that try to tell the tale of this bands travels through the decades, the music they made and how it evolved with and ultimately changed the music industry and the suburbs forever.

Brent Andrew Doty