Brent Andrew Doty

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East end(Beaches), Toronto area artist. OCAD graduate who’s been a full time working artists since 2017. Focusing my artistic adventures on the Serialist medium I created during my thesis year of university. My Serialist medium allows me to combine all my interests into one process. History, research, humour, storytelling and artistic attention to detail.


After years of artistic exploration I, finally, found my voice/visual language in my Serialist method.
Constructing a primary image entirely out of cut & pasted secondary images produces a visually complex visual narrative through these images contextually juxtaposed meaning.
Example: A serialist Donald Trump portrait constructed out of images of Pinocchio. Becomes: Chump Guevara, aka: The Liar in Chief.
With every new serialist painting, I’m constantly trying to do more research, capture more details(painting with paper), and explore this visual storytelling true boundaries. So far, it seems... limitless. #artlife


Collages, acrylic on paper on canvas.


Serialist Painting of French Emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte. During the Napoleonic wars he won a majority of his battles. Many of which are still taught and studied at military academies to this day. He remains one of the most celebrated and controversial political figures in human history. This large portrait tries to narrate this epic tale of Napoleon and his contributions to history that still reverberate in our time.

Brent Andrew Doty


Collages, acrylic on paper on canvas.


Serialist painting of Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin. Family friend and religious holy man to the Romanov family. His mystic/hypnotic abilities enabled him to stop the bleeding of young Alexei, only son and heir to Nicholas II. Rasputins ties and control over the Romanov family drew criticism and envy amongst many. He was ultimately, killed in a horrific manner prior to the start of the Russian revolution. During which, the entire Romanov family was slaughtered and the Monarchy abolished. This painting tells this historical tale of palace intrigue, political revolution and family tragedy.

Brent Andrew Doty


Collages, acrylic on paper on canvas.


This Serialist painting of Andy Warhol was my first foray into the world of art history. It becoming the start of a, Artists Masterpiece Series, still going today. I was a big fan of Warhol’s art, trouble making, and legend since high school. This painting showcases six different Warhol Artworks that are constructed out of biographical images, artworks, famous friends and other references to the epic scope of his influence on pop culture.

Brent Andrew Doty


Collages, acrylic on paper on canvas.


Walt Disney has become an icon in the world of entertainment. One may argue, I’m fact, he was an icon long before his death. His achievements are still viewed, loved, and visited by millions every year. This painting illuminates his many creations, contributitions, and immortal legacy to adolescence and the world as a whole. #whosthefairestofthemall

Brent Andrew Doty


Collages, acrylic on paper on canvas.


Serialist painting of Jim Henson. A legend in the world of childhood entertainment and education. The world grew up with him and his creations and mourned his early death. This portrait is assembled entirely out of his many creations, pop culture contributions, andbiographical images of his life and influence. Man or Muppet?

Brent Andrew Doty