Acrylic on canvas.


A subtle interplay of vibrant hues of this painting " The Creation Code: Code 3" suggests the meticulous strokes of a celestial artist, leaving behind a trail of questions that echo through the corridors of the mind. Is the universe a product of chance, or does it follow an intricate code, a blueprint of divine orchestration? Is the chaos a new order? Or are they opposite, like white and black?
The use of organic shapes and lines creates a sense of depth and space, prompting the viewer to focus on the relationship between the arrangement and its surroundings.
The interlocking shapes and the lively background influence the viewer's perception of the composition's stability, challenging the viewer's perception of balance and form.
Paintings are ready to hang in the room.... just put a little hook and enjoy colours on your wall .
Signed + certificate of authenticity.
Please know that colors will vary slightly from screen to screen.

The Creation Code: Code 3

Vera Saiko



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