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Delphine Pontvieux

Delphine Pontvieux was born and raised in France. An avid traveler, she studied and lived in Australia, the USA, Spain and the Netherlands until she moved to Chicago, Illinois, in 1998, where she lives today.

As a teenager, Pontvieux was very creative with oil chalk and acrylic paints. She attended the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Beaune, Burgundy, in her free time, to learn about drawing techniques, perspectives, and more. While living in Amsterdam, Delphine continued to work with acrylic paint, which she mixed with various media to create interesting textures on the canvas, always preferring to work on larger size canvasses.

Upon moving to Chicago, Pontvieux, who was enjoying a successful marketing career in the music industry, progressively stopped painting in order to pursue other creative paths:
She is the published author of a thriller titled “ETA-Estimated Time of Arrest,” which won two literary awards, along with various short stories and magazine articles.
She was cast in the movie 'LOL-Laughing Out Loud' starring Demi Moore and Miley Cyrus and also appeared in the horror movie “Sinister 2”. She also appeared in TV shows such as Chicago Fire, Chicago PD, The Exorcist and Empire, to name a few.
She is also the founder and designer of NYET Jewelry, which produces handmade jewelry and accessories for discerning women and men.

It took a pandemic for Pontvieux to go back to her first love of painting: as she was growing restless during the confinement in 2020, her husband gave her the gift of an easel, canvasses, a set of brushes and acrylic, as well as oil, paints. The rest is, as they say, history. Pontvieux rekindled her love for this 2-D medium, and practiced working daily with oil paints for the first time, which she found intimidating at first, yet, soon became her medium of choice.
Since then, her work has been featured at various art galleries in Chicago, such as Jackson Junge Gallery, Bridgeport Arts Center, Zhou B. art center, The Epiphany center for the Arts and more.

A genuine renaissance woman, she is also a scuba diving instructor, cave and technical diver, ocean conservation advocate, Shedd aquarium volunteer diver for over 20 years (she dives with the sharks in Wild Reef) and ice climber.


Mixed media (oils, acrylic, paper and epoxy resin) on wood panel.


Original art, painted by Delphine Pontvieux in her Chicago workshop.
In the enchanting series titled "Coming Up For Air," the underwater realm becomes a metaphorical journey of self-discovery and resilience. Each painting captures scuba divers and free divers ascending from the depths of an underwater cave, their silhouettes gracefully navigating the liquid labyrinth. The play of light and shadow accentuates the mystery of the submerged world. As the diver rises towards the surface, a radiant sun awaits, casting a brilliant glow that penetrates the water's veil. The journey parallels the human quest for clarity and enlightenment, with the cave symbolizing the depths of introspection. The convergence toward the sun signifies the universal pursuit of reaching for higher understanding and overcoming challenges. The series beautifully juxtaposes the weightlessness of underwater exploration with the symbolic ascent towards illumination. The scuba divers and free divers represent diverse paths, highlighting the individual's unique quest for self-renewal. "Coming Up For Air" encapsulates the universal human experience of resurfacing from life's depths, bathed in the warm embrace of newfound wisdom and the transformative power of light.

delphine pontvieux