Devika Mathur

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Devika Mathur is a distinguished artist and educator with over two decades of experience, including a remarkable tenure spanning 10 years teaching at design schools specializing in Architecture, Interior, and Fashion. Recently, Devika was commissioned by the Mississauga Arts Council to create a captivating public art piece for a Bell Box, showcasing her prowess in bringing art to the public sphere.
In addition to her teaching roles at esteemed institutions in Mississauga, such as Visual Arts Mississauga and the City of Mississauga, she has also contributed
significantly to the artistic community through participation in art shows in India and beyond. Mathur's influence extends beyond the classroom, as she has been actively involved in exhibitions at renowned venues like The Beauty of Bees Exhibit -2023 Juried show by Mississauga Arts Council, OCAD University and the Halton & Peel Juried Exhibition.

Her artistic journey reflects a dedication to both individual expression and community engagement. From intimate solo showcases at the Unitarian Congregation to collaborative projects with DEEN Support Services for special needs adults, Devika's work resonates with emotive depth and technical finesse, captivating audiences across diverse settings.


In my artistic journey, soft pastels on sanded paper have become my preferred medium, enabling me to craft highly stylized and vividly colored works that transcend traditional boundaries. My creative process is a dance between deliberate mark-making and intuitive exploration, resulting in pieces that beckon introspection and foster a profound reconnection with primal energies.

The luminosity of soft pastels serves as my expressive language, allowing me to convey emotions and narratives with an unparalleled vibrancy. Each stroke is a deliberate choice, contributing to a visual tapestry that invites viewers to explore the depths of their own emotions and memories. Through the interplay of form and color, I aim to elicit a sense of wonder and contemplation, encouraging observers to delve into the layers of meaning embedded within each composition.

My art serves as a conduit for dialogue between the tangible and intangible, drawing inspiration from the natural world, human experiences, and the rich tapestry of emotions that define our existence. Ultimately, my work seeks to evoke a shared resonance, inviting individuals to embark on a personal journey of introspection and rediscovery through the captivating allure of soft pastels on sanded paper.

My artistic approach is characterized by adaptability and a deep understanding of the Color is a vital element in my work, as I carefully select palettes that convey both harmony and tension. By embracing the interplay of light and shadow, I create a dynamic interplay that invites viewers to immerse themselves in my artwork and find solace, reflection, and a connection to their own emotions and experiences.
project's requirements. As an artist, I believe in the power of collaboration and tailoring my creative process to meet the specific needs and goals of each project. By thoroughly researching and immersing myself in the project's context, I gain valuable insights that inform my artistic choices and ensure a cohesive and impactful outcome.
My style can be described as highly stylized, drawing inspiration from a wide range of artistic influences and techniques. I enjoy experimenting with different mediums, styles, and subject matters, allowing me to create dynamic and visually engaging artworks. This versatility enables me to adapt my style to suit the project's vision and effectively convey its intended message.


Soft Pastels on pastel paper (framed).


Its a reflection on our obsession with how our face/body looks like. I have specially seen this as an obsession, that is what we see as three people with three different kinds of noses and how their attitude changes because of it.

Devika Mathur