Dina Belaia

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Dina started her visual art training at an early age while living in former USSR. As a teenager she joined the Analytical Art Studio, and still follows this school and artistic method for 30 years. In Canada, she continued her studies and graduated in Visual Arts from York University. She works as an illustrator and graphic designer and even a face/body painter, as well as a fine artist. Dina is a practicing artist who has exhibited locally, nationally and internationally, where her works received numerous merit awards and prizes. She is an Associate member of the Federation of Canadian Artists.


Dina's drawings and paintings follow the school of Analytical Abstractionism (see www.analytical-art.com).

It employs a process of non-programmed creating forms from particular to whole, analysing the appearing image rather than synthesizing it. Try to understand not "what", but "how" it is done.

Be interested not in the face of the clock, but in the inner mechanism to understand progression of time.


Graphite on paper (framed).


FIGURED OUT is an analytical composition formed by numerous human figures, some intertwined, and some unaware of each other. Human condition, human distance, self-awareness and understanding, introspection and human complexity show through the intricate details, as the viewers discover new shapes and themes indefinitely.

Dina Belaia