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Artist Bio:
Don is a passionate artist specializing in the intricate craft of wildfowl carving. His artistry revolves around meticulously sculpting lifelike representations of birds and wildlife, encapsulating their beauty and unique characteristics. Rooted in the tradition of crafting decoys for hunting, Don's work has transcended into a standalone art form that celebrates the marvels of nature.
His creative process commences with extensive research and gathering of reference materials, followed by the formation of a clay model to guide the final sculpture. Using wood as his primary medium, Don delicately carves each piece, sometimes incorporating elements of metal or other durable materials to enhance the realism. The end result is a captivating masterpiece that captivates viewers, inviting them to admire and appreciate the wonders of the natural world.
Beyond his artistic endeavours, Don is actively involved in conservation efforts, aligning with organizations such as the Algonquin Wildlife Research Station, The Owl Foundation and the Turtle Pond Wildlife Centre. He recognizes the pivotal role that art plays in raising awareness and supporting conservation initiatives, and he channels his talent towards making a positive impact on the environment.
Awards & Achievements:
• Jun, 2023: Artists for Conservation, International Exhibit of Nature in Art
• Best of Show Sculpture
• Medal of Excellence for "Chokecherry Wine"
• Jun, 2022:
• Artists for Conservation, International Exhibition of Nature in Art
• Algonquin Art Centre, Birds of Algonquin
• The Society of Animal Artist, The Animal of North America, The Custom House Museum
• The Society of Animal Artist, The 62nd Art and Animal Exhibition, Turtle Bay Exploration Park
• Birds in Art, Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum
• Jun, 2021: Artist for Conservation, International Exhibit of Nature 2021
• Honourable Mention for "Rejoice" and "Lord Srutt"
• Jun, 2020: Artist for Conservation, International Exhibit of Nature in Art 2020


Wood, brass, and acrylic sculpture.


A highly detailed Blue Jay stands atop a weather worn branch, its beak holding a berry. The bird's feathers are depicted in intricate detail, with individual strands carefully crafted to give the appearance of real, vibrant plumage. The blue jay’s head is turned slightly to the side, giving the viewer a glimpse of its piercing gaze and sharp beak. A chokecherry branch flows up, its deep red wine-colored berries are a striking contrast to the blue jay's vivid blue. The artist hopes to bring out the awareness of the beauty of the natural world and the need for conservation.