Emma Lyons

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Inspired by Divisionism and Pointillism, Emma's Abstracture style combines bold colorful strokes with geometric placement using a wet-on-wet technique. She sometimes combines this with her first passion of Figurative art, invoking themes of self esteem, vulnerability, and acceptance. These works explore the idea of feeling allowed to take up space and to believe in our worth.

A self-taught artist, Emma creates her encouraging art in her Chicago home studio. She has hosted three solo shows, curated two group shows, and her work has been shared in a number of exhibitions. Her collectors range from local Chicago to global South Korea, and clients include Prada, the Chicago Shakespeare Theater, and the Gatsby Speakeasy.


"My style explores the idea of feeling allowed to take up space. So often we are told that what speaks to our soul isn’t welcome. Here, I welcome you. I encourage you to be your rich, colorful, dynamic self, meant to be developed but not restrained. I wish to encourage you to feel uninhibited when you pursue what you enjoy. To be passionate about being passionate."


Acrylic on canvas print.


While she is gorgeous in her mystery, her beauty is exemplified in the freedom that comes from embracing the ideas and creativity inside her. Inside all of us.

She rejects her outward appearance in favor of allowing her body, her surroundings, and her identity to be defined by her dreams of the world she can imagine and manifest in real ways.

Her ability to simply imagine in her atmospheric creativity allows her to achieve a new state of being, and shows the way for you to do the same.

Emma Lyons


Acrylic on canvas.


While she is gorgeous in her mystery, her beauty is exemplified in the freedom that comes from embracing the ideas and creativity inside her. Inside all of us.

She rejects her outward appearance in favor of allowing her body, her surroundings, and her identity to be defined by her dreams of the world she can imagine and manifest in real ways.

Her ability to simply imagine, to let her thoughts dive deep, allows her to achieve a new state of being, and shows the way for you to do the same.

Emma Lyons


Acrylic on canvas print.


While she is gorgeous in her mystery, her beauty is exemplified in the freedom that comes from embracing the ideas and creativity inside her. Inside all of us.

She rejects her outward appearance in favor of allowing her body, her surroundings, and her identity to be defined by her dreams of the world she can imagine and manifest in real ways.

Her ability to simply imagine, to rest her head in the clouds, allows her to achieve a new state of being, and shows the way for you to do the same.

Emma Lyons


Acrylic on canvas print.


noun, Turkish
moonlight shining on the water

It is the texture, the highs and lows, that make ocean reflections, sunsets, and our lives beautiful.

Emma Lyons


Acrylic on canvas print.


In optimism, they bring forth newness. Remind us that we always have opportunities to start fresh. But, oh, the pain of seeing a sunrise when you’re in mourning. How dare the sun brighten the sky when your world is still so dark! How dare the world be able to keep moving onward when you can barely feel your feet, let alone move them!

But move it does. And to invite both gratitude and grief in at the same time is a gift in the form of a lesson I think we all must continually learn.

Emma Lyons


Acrylic over canvas print of collage.


Months of Figure Drawing sessions collaged over Shakespeare tragedies (Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, and Macbeth), with gold dripping in a final layer.

The gold adds the shine that we choose for ourselves. And we love to be stunning. But this piece also asks us, “What happens when we strip away all of our decadence?”

We are left with our bodies and our stories.

And both are beautiful.

Emma Lyons


Acrylic on canvas print.


“I’m still moving cities
and I’m still causing storms.
I don’t know if you know this,
but when I shoot, I score.
Took this pain inside of me,
turned it into gold.
I made this exothermic,
now watch my heart explode.”
-Lyrics by Faouzia

To everyone who loves even harder after having been hurt:
You are unstoppable.

Emma Lyons


Acrylic on canvas print.


Inspired by the many artworks we created with only the limited color palette of a small crayon box.

Perhaps our tiny hands could not express fully what was in our expansive creativity, but it never stopped us from trying.

We become the person we needed when we were younger.

Who are you now?

Emma Lyons


Acrylic on canvas print.


A faraway sun bursting.
The cosmos expanding.
Tree rings revealing its age.
A ferris wheel ready to lift you from your normal perspective.

And yet these many elements I see all make me feel the same way: so very tiny, at peace, loved, youthful. A small but special part of this marvelous life experience we have all been gifted with.

Emma Lyons


Acrylic on canvas print.


We are learning to reclaim emotions and femininity, that being soft does not mean we cannot also be strong.

In the negative space of these Calla Lily and Pearl curves, you will find the silhouette of a woman moving ever forward.

Perhaps the ability to be soft and vulnerable is what makes us strong. Being beautiful, imperfect, brave humans inspires others.

Emma Lyons