Emma Lyons

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Inspired by Divisionism and Pointillism, Emma's Abstracture style combines bold colorful strokes with geometric placement using a wet-on-wet technique. She sometimes combines this with her first passion of Figurative art, invoking themes of self esteem, vulnerability, and acceptance. These works explore the idea of feeling allowed to take up space and to believe in our worth.

A self-taught artist, Emma creates her encouraging art in her Chicago home studio. She has hosted three solo shows, curated two group shows, and her work has been shared in a number of exhibitions. Her collectors range from local Chicago to global South Korea, and clients include Prada, the Chicago Shakespeare Theater, and the Gatsby Speakeasy.


"My style explores the idea of feeling allowed to take up space. So often we are told that what speaks to our soul isn’t welcome. Here, I welcome you. I encourage you to be your rich, colorful, dynamic self, meant to be developed but not restrained. I wish to encourage you to feel uninhibited when you pursue what you enjoy. To be passionate about being passionate."


Acrylic on canvas print.


to wander longingly through the forest in search of mystery

See what happens when you explore something unexpected today.
Be free to wander.
Be free to wonder.

Emma Lyons


Gold leaf on canvas print.


I am proficient in being at two places at once: the physical world around me, and in my daydreams.

This skill has taught me that there are pieces of magic in the real world; it is found in where the two worlds touch, by turning daydreamed creativity into what we can experience here and now.

You are the only one who can manifest your unique ideas and dreams and bring them into this world for others to enjoy. They’re counting on you.

Emma Lyons


Acrylic on canvas print.


Do you see the bluish tint in your veins? That’s hemoglobin, full of iron. Iron, throughout our whole known universe, is only found naturally in the core of stars that existed long ago.

You are made of actual stardust.

This is a reminder of how truly magical you are. Evidence of your stellar impact is found in both the large and small gestures of your life.

Emma Lyons


Acrylic on canvas print.


Seasons are not restricted to weather.

As you travel the entire color wheel, from pastel to deep shades, you will always find yourself where you started, though it may look a bit different than it did before you began your journey.

Be proud of who you are through all your journey’s ups and downs. Your younger self would be.

Emma Lyons


Acrylic on canvas print.


She wanted all the colors; she wanted to be limitless.

For… reasons.

She doesn’t need to explain herself to you, because the heart wants what it wants. So leaver her be. Let her be extraordinary on her own terms.

And let yourself be extraordinary on your own terms. It’s okay to give yourself that space and kindness, too.

Emma Lyons


Acrylic on digital art.


Limited edition 1 of 1.

Inspired by the unexplainable joy that we feel in Summertime Chi, when we finally get to shake off the languish of mediocre weather and life is truly good.

Details hand embellished with rose gold acrylic, making this a one-of-a-kind artwork.

Even amongst difficult or painful aspects of your life, there are still so many wonders worth celebrating. Even the small things. Especially the small things.

Emma Lyons


Acrylic on digital art.


Limited edition 1 of 1.

Inspired by Van Gogh’s “Starry Night”, this pays homage to the beauty of romanticizing life, free to buy ourselves flowers and art, taking our loved ones to dinner for no reason, and seeing ourselves as magical human beings.

Details hand embellished with gold acrylic, making this a one-of-a-kind artwork.

Romanticize your life. You are the main character in your story. How would you romantically narrate your thoughts, actions, and choices?

Emma Lyons


Acrylic on digital art.


Limited edition 1 of 1.

Inspired by the countless murals and street art of Chicago. Whether sanctioned or not, each artwork was the result in someone being able to express themselves about their world, bringing beauty and provoking our thoughts.

Details hand embellished with silver acrylic, making this a one-of-a-kind artwork.

You bring beauty and wonder into the world simply by expressing yourself. It is wonderful when you tell us what’s important to you.

Emma Lyons


Acrylic on digital art.


Limited edition 1 of 1.

Inspired by the quiet hours of the night in contrast to the hustle and bustle of daytime, this version of Chicago gives us space to take in the world around us without any of the rush or many distractions and simply be.

Details hand embellished with silver acrylic, making this a one-of-a-kind artwork.

You deserve a space and time that allows you to simply exist: peaceful, pure, wholly you.

Emma Lyons


Acrylic on canvas print.


Bubbles are the physical embodiment of pure joy. Sometimes, in the thick of times when life simply feels heavy or languishing, we feel like we need permission to celebrate any joy we experience in this beautiful life.

If that’s you, this is your permission.

Allow yourself to be joyful about both the small and big things worth celebrating, even as you hold the heavy parts of life.

Emma Lyons


Gold leaf on canvas print.


Inspired by the Japanese practice of mending broken porcelain and pottery with real gold to make it even stronger and more valuable after it’s been broken.

This piece reminds us that it is our imperfections that make us beautiful, our trials that make us stand stronger.

You are not defined by your past mistakes or hardships. Each time you overcome a challenge, you are adding a golden thread to the tapestry of your life.

Emma Lyons


Acrylic on canvas print.


The imagination we had as children was without limits in every direction. The world was ours to create, to make our deepest wishes and dreams our reality.

Spoiler alert: we still have that power and ability. We’ve just forgotten that along the way.

Do not forget how unstoppable you are.
Unlearn that you grew out of your creativity and ability to turn your dreams into reality.

Emma Lyons