Gill Cameron

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Gill Cameron is a professional watercolour, mixed media artist living in Collingwood, Canada. She is a member of the SCA, CSPWC, OSA and a signature member of the TWS, where she has won numerous awards.

Gill’s bold paintings build on the positive energy of scenes of nature. Her work as a graphic designer gives her a clear eye for form and content. The possibilities and complexities of colour, design, and the power of elemental imagery infuse her work. She is intrigued by shapes and patterns and how they relate to each other in their natural habitat.

Gill describes her sense of wonder of the beauty of landscape through her lush paintings. Her watercolours are inspired by her explorations in Canada, Europe, New Zealand and Tanzania.

Gill has had many group and solo exhibitions in Toronto, Collingwood and Pointe au Baril, Ontario. Her studio is in Collingwood and her work can be viewed there by appointment. Her work is held in collections throughout Canada, the US and Europe. Her work can also be seen at the Loft Gallery in Thornbury.