Grace Croughan

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Grace Croughan was born on the island of Okinawa in Japan, with the family living in the United States, Canada, and Japan. From an early age, art became a constant in her life, a sanctuary that helped her stay grounded during the family’s frequent moves.
As a young adult she chose a somewhat more commercial path, studying Graphic Design at Andrews University in Michigan and then Advertising Design at Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD). Croughan’s education led her to a career in advertising as an Art Director at Jerry Goodis’ agency, Goodis Inc., but after a decade she decided she needed more time with her kids and stepped back from her career.
As her kids got older, life took an unexpected turn. Her father was diagnosed with dementia, and she became his primary caregiver. She enrolled him in a watercolour painting class, recalling his enjoyment of drawing as a young man. “Little did I know, it would rekindle my own love for art. I’d sit in the back, reading a book, but soon I was right there painting alongside him.”

Art became Croughan’s refuge during the ten years she cared for her father. Amidst hospital visits and day-to-day caregiving, her home studio became a place where she could focus on her own well-being. “Even though it was a challenging time, it transformed me in ways I never expected.” In 2019, her father passed away, but his life inspired her to “embrace each day with a renewed passion.”
She describes her artistic style as “mountain dreams,” a blend of representation and abstraction, straddling the line between what’s real and what’s imagined. Her mountain landscapes don’t belong to any specific place or time but are born from her imagination and dreams. By “dreams,” she means creative imagination, “because it can look familiar but you can’t quite put your finger on where, but it brings warm feelings and memories.” Her preferred medium is acrylics, working with them layer by layer to create textures that make the mountains come alive.

“These mountains are the main characters of my art, and they’re set against these calm, smooth waters below. Mountains have this incredible allure, and I use that attraction as a way to invite others to join me on this creative journey. When I paint, my main goal is to capture feelings of happiness, calmness, hope, and gratitude – all inspired by the beauty of nature.”
“Growing up, art was my constant companion, and it’s something that has stayed with me into adulthood. Now, I feel incredibly lucky to be able to pursue my passion every single day. It’s not just an interest or profession – it’s an integral part of my life that I hold dear.”
Croughan is an elected member of the Society of Canadian Artists, signature member of Pastel Artists of Canada with Master Pastelist status, an elected member of the Colour & Form Society, and an Associate member of the Pastel Society of America.


In my latest series of mountain paintings, I explore the dynamic interplay between color and emotion. Through experimentation with vibrant palettes, I seek to imbue each scene with a sense of joy and vitality, inviting viewers into a world of energetic expression.
Color stands as the cornerstone of this collection, serving as a medium for conveying mood and atmosphere. Whether evoking playful fun or serene tranquility, I aim for each painting to elicit a distinct emotional response as viewers immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of hues.
Adopting a panoramic viewpoint and pulling back the lens, I endeavor to create a broader perspective that allows for deeper exploration of light and shadow, fostering imaginary journeys within the artwork.
Through my paintings, I aim to spark a sense of wonder and appreciation for the beauty of color and emotion, inviting viewers to embark on a visual journey that transcends the ordinary and celebrates the extraordinary essence of mountain landscapes.