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Hadley Paige is a painter living in Chicago, Illinois. She received her Bachelors of Science in Communication from the University of Miami in December of 2013, with a double major of Visual Journalism and Studio Art with a focus in painting.

Her work focuses heavily on color theory and how we perceive and relate to color. Her work has been featured in the Ruach Gallery in Clearwater, Florida, the CAS Gallery, the Lowe Art Museum in Coral Gables, Florida, the Project FREE Gallery in St. Petersburg, Florida, and the IO Lounge at the Godfrey Hotel in downtown Chicago.


"Here! Here! No, Look Here" is a series of oil paintings by Chicago-based artist Hadley Paige. In this series she explores the inundation of dopamine available to everyone in this modern age. We are drowned overstimulation caused by online streaming, Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook, and red notifications of messages that all cause a spike in the happy chemical dopamine. This addiction to our next fix leaves us scrolling for hours, checking phones when we wake up, while we drive, during meals with and without companions, while we watch TV. This overconsumption of readily available media leaves us wanting more and simultaneously exhausted from nonstop stimulation.

Hadley's paintings feature bold colors and strokes that seam to both lead into each other and nowhere at all. She utilizes color theory and shadow play to play tricks on her viewers eyes, keeping them engaged in the paintings and fully absorbed in the complex compositions. She hopes her paintings are a healthy dose of dopamine in this world of steadfast distractions.