Jodi Kitto-Ward

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Jodi Kitto-Ward is a Sheridan College Fine Arts Graduate and an elected member of the Society of Canadian Artists, Ontario Society of Artists and the Colour and Form Society. Jodi has won numerous awards including the Ina Gilbert 1st Award of Excellence from the Society of Canadian Artists in 2023. Her artwork can be found in public and private collections in Canada and the United States. Repeating within her body of work are landscapes and urban views, many inspired from Hamilton, Ont. where Jodi resides and works from her home studio.
Painting mainly in acrylic, Jodi’s work is strongly influenced by line, colour and expression. Her style is representational, vibrant and simplified in form, evoking influences of Pop Art and Art Deco.


Within my process I connect with my work on a deep level, through the use of symbolism, narrative and subsequent self reflection. In painting the compositional elements, I tend to incorporate a personality into my subjects, whether it be a home or the environment itself within the city. By focusing on themes of nature, tranquility, and hope, I aim to create works that not only please the eye but also soothe the mind and uplift the spirt.