Kelsea Chatburn

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Kelsea Chatburn is a watercolor artist living and working in Toronto. Seeking to emphasize the beauty and awkwardness of interactions, locations or objects; Chatburn uses bold, lively colors to capture the energy and subtleties of her subjects.


Kelsea is a contemporary watercolor artist based in Toronto, Canada. Her work recognizes subtle behaviors and aspects of culture associated with everyday life. She is particularly intrigued by the ways in which we see the world based on a perceived view point. She draws on whimsical streetscapes or busy markets as a foundation for these explorations, often obscuring a viewpoint or highlighting an interaction.


Gouache on arches paper (matted and framed).


Dimensions without frame: 23 x 13 "
Dimensions with frame and matting: 28 x 22 "

This painting reflects the rich influence of culture and architecture the artist observed on her travels through Asia. Painting from memories and snap shots of busy market and streets, the artist imagery connects to a place that is both distant and familiar. The emotional message is one of curiosity and discovery.

Kelsea Chatburn


Gouache on arches paper (matted and framed).


Dimensions without frame: 23.5 x 31.5"
Dimensions with frame and matting: 30 x 40"

This painting reflects the rich influence of culture and architecture the artist observed on her travels through Asia. Painting from memories and snap shots of busy market and streets, the artist imagery connects to a place that is both distant and familiar. The emotional message is one of curiosity and discovery.

Kelsea Chatburn