Lisa Town

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Forever influenced by the mural painted on her family’s Mexican home, Whitby-based creative, Lisa Town draws energy from the textures, sounds and stories of the street. Lisa utilizes a combination of many creative techniques with a heavy preference towards mixed media -focusing on people and simple language as a means of exploring daily activities, emotions and societal issues.


As a multi-disciplinary creative, I am attracted to a variety of mediums as a means of storytelling. I find inspiration in energy, whether it be found through the solitude of natural or rural settings, or the flurry of industrial or urban areas. Through my work I am to capture the essence of a moment, experience or individual and translate it on to canvas, paper or wood. I am intentional in my production and challenge myself to find inspiration wherever I may be in a given day. I like to stock pile experiences in the hopes that they will be transformed artistically when the time is right. I believe that art should be accessible, and despite its complexities, should be received and interpreted by any audience.


Mixed media on canvas (framed).


Lou Schnippering Award by the Pineridge Arts Council (2023 Juried Show), "Circus Ring" was described by Margaret Roseman - Aptly titled, the joyful, energetic "mark marking" combined with the play of colours truly symbolize the atmosphere of a circus. With this much activity, you would think that the piece would succumb to chaos. The artist however has skillfully varied the surface texture and layered colours to allow us to drift through an imaginary space.

Lisa Town