Mahna Taz

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Mahna is a self-thought Iranian-Canadian artist. She started oil painting at the age of 12 and her passion for painting lead her to learn different mediums through the years. Her unique style is distinguishable by the way the vibrant tones and divergent elements are combined, bringing realism into a subjective abstract form of modern style.
​Mahna's inspiration for art comes from a life filled with much contrast, from colorful memories experienced through world travel flying around the globe and living in different countries to the never forgotten reminders of sordid destruction and grief associated with war in her native country. Through her journey, she has managed to find peace and the magic of life which manifests itself in her artworks.. Her work has been exhibited and collected internationally in different countries including Canada.


An artwork is an attempt to stop time and save the moment, a brave attempt maybe, but a tragic one since it is doomed to fail in our physical world; however, your brain can be at any moment at any time. So, Let's paint the moment.


Acrylic and mixed media on canvas.


Fusion of symbolism and emotion, The Asian woman's face, adorned with golden lips and a gaze emanating resilience, symbolizes the enduring strength found in hope. The mix media gold material covering one eye hints at obscured vision, representing the uncertainty often faced on the path to hope. The dripping black hair could signify the weight of challenges faced, yet it also suggests a transformative process, where hope emerges even among adversity. Overall, the painting captures the essence of hope as a powerful force that transcends obstacles, illuminating even in the darkest moments.

Mahna Taz


Acrylic on canvas.


The mysterious connection between her and a raven is merging her human identity with the higher, celestial realms represented by the raven/crow. Her gaze through the raven’s beak shows perception of the spiritual dimensions within and beyond ourselves. “Sight Unseen” is a profound contemplation of the spiritual nature inherent in humanity.
🐦‍⬛ Ravens and crows’ are not just individual but also communal, as they pass knowledge down through generations. These birds are some of the smartest animals in the world.

Mahna Taz


Acrylic on canvas.


Her gaze penetrating through the canvas, beckoning the viewer into a realm of heightened consciousness. The vibrant colors and shimmering glitter accentuate her eye and lips, symbolizing the awakening of awareness within oneself. As the viewer locks eyes with the woman in the painting, a sense of introspection washes over, prompting reflection on the importance of mindfulness and self-awareness in navigating life's complexities. This artwork serves as a touching reminder to stay present, to embrace clarity of vision, and to remain attuned to the world around us.

Mahna Taz


Acrylic and aerosol spray paint on canvas.


Face impression plays one of the most important roles in our lives when you meet people or looking at a face/portrait. The eyes, the posture, the colours of your make up and what you’re wearing in real life can indicate a lot more about you without any verbal attribute. There is a mystery behind every face, every single impression and that’s part of each individual’s unsaid story.
Here is Lola, lady of beauty, strength and joy.
Her story is yours to guess

Mahna Taz


Acrylic on canvas.


The pink dream exudes energy with a sense of dynamism and vitality, evoking a feeling of empowerment and self-expression. The contrast of colors enhancing the overall composition. This artwork celebrates femininity and freedom, inviting you to appreciate the beauty of the human form while embracing bold colors and expressive design. It captures a moment of confidence and self-assurance, radiating positivity and joy against a vibrant backdrop.

Mahna Taz


Aerosol spray paint and acrylic on canvas.


This paining is a collaboration between Wind and I. Yes, wind one of the 4 elements. Live painting sites do not always go as predicted. The sight where I painted this painting was extremely windy. The whole set up flown away and fell a few times. I was spraying one spot and the the wind was painting other parts of the canvas. When thinking of metaverse, everything is possible. Block chain or Wind Chain?
Beside the collaboration, wind symbolizes change which represents the current situation highs and lows in Crypto market.
I am grateful to be able to collaborate with one the nature’s four elements. I believe that universe and metaverse is bringing great things together.

Mahna Taz


Acrylic and pastel on canvas.


"Subliminal" reaches into the depths of the human psyche, exploring the interconnectedness between our primal instincts and our conscious selves. The contrast of half woman, half wolf portrays the duality within each individual, symbolizing the primal, instinctual nature alongside the rational, human aspect. The black and white palette emphasizes the contrast between light and shadow, mirroring the internal struggle between opposite forces. It shows the subconscious influences that shape our identities, blurring the lines between human and animal, rationality and instinct, in a mesmerizing exploration of the subconscious mind.

Mahna Taz


Aerosol spray paint (oil) and acrylic on canvas.


A captivating portrait that harmonizes shades of pink, blue, and green. The canvas unfolds a tale of contrast as half the face is veiled in a dynamic burst of dripping spray paint in different shades, revealing a solitary eye immersed in a profound gaze. This piece masterfully combines vibrant colors with a sense of introspection, inviting viewers to delve into the enigmatic depths of the beholder's soul.

Mahna Taz