Margaret Gdyczynski

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My interest in photographing architecture was ignited by the interiors of basilicas while I studied in Florence, Italy. I am an OCAD alumni, and I have been exploring historical structures, new builds and the details that often trigger memories and personal associations. The memories sparked in public spaces are not always parallel to what has occurred in the space but are often tangent smells, feelings, or experiences. It is these overlapping recollections I explore in my art.


My digital composite method borrows from a film process of double exposure and the unpredictable effects it reveals. The method relates to how our mind composes our memories; often layering details on top of unrelated events.
I create photographic composites by layering images to form a single impression. I am inspired by Toronto's interior and exterior gathering spaces; how we inhabit public spaces and the individual experiences that leave indelible marks on us.