Mariela Schiappacasse

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Mariela Schiappacasse was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina where she grew up while falling in love with art and going on to become an art teacher. After immigrating to Canada, in 2002, she grew distant from her art practice and it wasn’t until 2015 that she once again picked it up and began to focus her work around pointillism technique. She is part of local exhibitions and international art shows.


- Inspired Site dedicated to empower women and kindness around the world. Article feature about my work and experience.
- Artisan Joy Magazine (June 2023 edition). Featured artwork.
- AIRE Catalog - Federation of Canadian Artist.
- Studio Visit Book Vol.3 feature (2024)

Contributions to the Artistic Community:

- City of Markham. Head Program Instructor for art class (2016-2020).
- Member of the Newmarket group of artists.


- 2023 NJAS Award of Merit


How many dots do you need in order to create a whole?

An artist with a specialization in pointillism, an expert in colour theory and knowing which colours to place in order to trick the viewers eyes, Mariela Schiappacasse takes her inspiration from translating her feelings into artwork by creating works that are both vibrant and dynamic. Her art is a reflection of her fascination with the interplay of light and color. Each dot is carefully placed to create a sense of movement and depth, inviting the viewer to explore the piece from different angles. Her works takes an immense amount of time to complete but it is the creation process and intricate details that bring her the most joy.


Achival ink on paper.


With this artwork I tried to capture the essence of introspection and self-discovery through the lens of a woman peering into her past. This portrait explores the intricacies of memory, perception, inviting viewers to contemplate the complexities of personal history.

Mariela Schiappacasse


Achival Ink on paper.


With this artwork I wanted to represent the profound repercussions of hastily drawn conclusions about another's actions without seeking into the intricate tapestry of motivations, and intentions that lie beneath. Upon closer inspection, subtler nuances emerge, revealing the layers of ambiguity and uncertainty that surround every human interaction.

Mariela Schiappacasse