Maryna Salagub

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Maryna Salagub lives in Oakville, ON. She is a full time self-taught watercolor artist. She started her art path in Ukraine as a child, and then moved to Canada to continue her art practice. Maryna draws whimsical watercolors of animals doing human activities as if they were living their best lives. It encourages viewers to improve their own life habits from daily routine to happier and healthier lifestyles! She strongly believes this “Don’t search for miracles – create a miracle yourself!”
Maryna’s art not only creates a playful space, but also brings emotions – a smile on your face, a giggle, a conversation starter, motivation. Her art is used for so many purposes – from potty training to dentist offices decorating. Maryna magically transforms regular animals and gives them a personality charm – grinning shark, relaxed whale, curious bear, smart octopus. Each viewer can find a character matching his own!
Maryna is an extremely passionate artist and advocate for nature’s conservation. Her desire to draw animals is deeply rooted in profound connection to nature and a commitment to raising awareness about the critical issues facing our ecosystems. Through her art, she aims to utilize art as a powerful tool for education and advocacy.
Maryna pursues her mission of making art accessible to local communities. She participated in numerous local shows like OOAK Toronto, Oakville Originals, and The Handmade Market Niagara. She is also an active member of Oakville Art Council, where she serves as a juror. As art instructor, she made multiple workshops at Creative Hub 1352 and Culture Days ON, where participants could learn her effortless whimsical watercolor style. In 2023 she was a featured artist of Artivism Challenge by Water Docs Film Festival.