micheal zarowsky

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Micheal Zarowsky
Cdn artist working on paper & panel, in watercolour, acrylic n pastels.
Elected Member of CSPWC / SCA / OSA / CFS
Combined Hons.Degree in Phil / Psych, York U, Toronto, 76
Fervent Adlibber.
Website: www.zarowsky.net
Painting is a spiritual process connecting me to the world.

Canadian painter working in acrylic, watercolour & pastels; one of the few artists who has developed a truly distinctive way of seeing & conveying the world's beauty. His landscapes capture the dazzle of light as his work pushes towards abstraction and it exudes a stylized textural quality; Many of his watercolours are on paper but others are painted with watercolour and acrylic on gessoed birch panels,.


the focus, is a fresh original dialogue on the Canadian landscape, where the emphasis is on the process of discovery: that is, the creative interpretation of some aspect of the world – being coupled with a second process; namely, that of inventiveness – the personal expression of what is discovered.


Watercolour and acrylic painted directly on gessoed panel.


I paint light, atmosphere, the transparency of water. The joy is none of these can be painted directly. One can only paint the effects of light by way of the different values / intensities where there is no light appearing as shadows. I explore water through the very reflections that outline its movement. The reflected sky above reaching down, the bottom sand, rocks and grasses all
reaching up towards the surface, the changing colours of the forest edges trying to define, shape and contain it. I end up painting everything but the very thing
I seek to paint.

micheal zarowsky


Watercolour and acrylic painted directly on gessoed panel.


water being transparent, always different, lets us explore /express
its infinite appearance through the very reflections that try to confine it.
water is a perfect source of abstraction: transparent; we paint
the reflected sky above, the bottom revealed by passing clouds,
the edges contained by forests all around all sides.
We end up painting everything but the thing we started out to ..
'summer water dazzle with lilies 5'

micheal zarowsky