Michelle Marin

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Michelle is originally from San Jose, Costa Rica and currently lives and works in Toronto, Canada. Michelle studied material arts at OCAD University and gerontology at George Brown College. Michelle was selected as a Toronto Outdoor Art Fair 60th Anniversary Juror's Pick and is a grant recipient from both the Ontario Arts Council and Canada Council for the Arts.


Through my work, I honour the people in my life. My subjects are my community members, often living and working in healthcare settings. Sometimes I make their portraits, but more often I use still-life and landscape compositions as a stand-in for a person or a group of people whose challenging stories weigh heavily on my mind.

I explore contemporary mark making through traditional art and craft techniques. I hand sew, paint and draw with yarn, fabric, wool roving, acrylic paint, and polymer clay on linen canvas. My process involves many layers of different media that contrast with one another texturally. Working with mixed media challenges me and helps me grow in my art practice.