Mishel Schwartz

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If you ask Toronto-based artist Mishel Schwartz to pinpoint the exact moment when being an artist became her heart's desire, she'd tell you, without hesitation, the story of her younger self hiding on the stairs, watching her mother in her basement studio paint live models. The fascination was instant, and the pursuit since that inspiring moment, has been lifelong.
Mishel began with a practical, academic approach via a Bachelor of Fine Arts in college and then went on to acquire a degree in Art History from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec. She concluded her studies with a degree in Graphic Design from York University in Toronto, Ontario.
It was not long after completing her studies that Mishel began what would become a full-time, 20-year career as Creative Director for a Canadian home furnishings company. It was, along with motherhood, a busy, fulfilling daily life, and though she had creative opportunities at work, she began to feel a sense of ennui.
Few artists have the privilege of saying goodbye to stability and plunging into a career as a working artist. But Mishel did just that and today she is recognized in the Toronto art scene as an extraordinary talent with a gift for evoking the natural beauty of the living world in her chosen medium of Alcohol Ink.
Through endless hours of experimentation, Mishel has developed a meticulous technique wherein multi-layered colours and details are carefully carved to reveal works of incredible depth and beauty.
With an impressive repertoire of local and international shows, as well as representation at the prestigious Crescent Hill Gallery, Mishel spends her days in studio working on personal pieces as well as private commissions and collaborations with branding companies, and as always, fearlessly pursuing her lifelong dream with passion and grace.


“My art is a way to pay homage to the relentless gifts of the natural world… a way to document its inimitable presence in our lives, even when we may be too busy to acknowledge it. We owe everything to nature in all its many magical forms— the genuine, organic and subtle way it inhabits our senses and reminds us we are alive.”


Alcohol ink on canvas.


From inside a a dream, as a child I always loved blackbirds- this little painting is a fantastical depiction of my memories of spending time with a little blackbird.

Mishel Schwartz