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I came from a family with a strong artistic background in classical Fine Art. I was born in Kishinev, Moldova, and later moved to St. Petersburg, Russia. I received my art education studying art on a part-time basis at the Mukhina Academy of Arts (St. Petersburg, Russia).
I moved to Toronto in 1999 where I am a registered member of several art groups in the city and abroad, including Toronto Watercolour Society, International Watercolor Society and National Watercolor Society. I like painting historical buildings in Toronto, and by doing this, want to preserve the history of a place and see my paintings serve as a link to the roots of the community and the people. Besides working on new watercolor paintings, I am passionate about teaching the art of producing such paintings. In my Toronto art studio, I offer lessons for all grade-level students who are seeking to improve, practice, and explore watercolor techniques as well as sketching.

My watercolor paintings have been recognizable worldwide and were exhibited in Japan, Italy, India, Bolivia, Indonesia, Greece, France, Mexico, Chile, and Poland. My paintings are in many private collections all over the world, spanning worldwide like Australia, the USA, the UK, Japan, and Eastern Europe.


My artwork is about connecting with people’s emotions. My paintings are often personal and at the same time, universal. My life experiences left me to learn that many people block out emotion. I like to see my paintings suddenly "speak" to them. Over many years as an arts educator, I helped people and communities find their voices and express their concerns through individual and collaborative art projects. Today I am working with artists in art spaces in other parts of the world where we exchange the ideas. Often happen that these creates artistic growth, empathy, and new understandings.