Pamela Dey

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Pamela Dey is a Full-Time professional Artist based in Ontario. Pamela has always been interested in Drawing and Painting since childhood while growing up in India and had a great mentor in High School Art education. While her career took her in the direction of a research Scientist, she kept up her artistic practice through the years. Last 5 years she has been a Full-Time Artist.

Pamela's Artwork has shown up in juried shows and has won Honorable mentions. Along with practicing her own Art Pamela enjoys being a Part-Time art educator for Adults in TDSB Learn4Life community programs.

Pamela paints at her home studio in Markham and also with Richmond Hill Group of Artists.


Pamela loves to capture nature and movement of color into her Canadian Landscape Paintings. Her focus is to express the luminousness and awesomeness of nature to transform the ordinary and not-so-ordinary into something that is extraordinary.

She gets her inspiration from direct interaction with nature by observation while taking frequent hiking trips and Kayak trips in and around Ontario.