Swetha Vijayaraghavan

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Swetha originally hails from India. Having lived in the USA for 6 years to pursue her career in IT, she moved to Canada at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020.
Her artistic journey began in 2015, sparked by a transformative experience at Crystal Bridges art museum in a small town called Bentonville in Arkansas, USA.

Surrounded by the vibrant colors and expressive brushstrokes of the masters, a newfound passion ignited within her. Inspired to capture the world around her in a new light, Swetha picked up a brush and began exploring the versatile world of acrylic paints.

Since then, she has honed her skills, focusing on capturing the essence of landscapes, florals, and portraiture. Each piece is a testament to her love for nature and the human form, rendered in a captivating blend of bold colors and textured brushwork.

Swetha's landscapes transport viewers to breathtaking vistas, while her florals celebrate the delicate beauty and vibrant energy of the natural world. In her portraits, Swetha seeks to capture the essence of the individual, their emotions, and their stories.

Driven by a constant desire to learn and grow, Swetha continues to experiment and refine her artistic voice. Whether it's a tree standing tall along the rugged and rocky shores, the intricate details of a blooming flower, or the gaze of a loved one, Swetha strives to translate these experiences into captivating acrylic artworks that resonate with the viewer.


Acrylic on canvas.


This composition focuses on the windswept forms of the pines, their branches reaching out in defiance against the elements. The use of bold brush strokes and contrasting textures conveys the power of the wind, while the interplay of light and shadow evokes a sense of depth and mystery.

These majestic trees, sculpted by relentless winds and bathed in the ever-changing light, embody the raw beauty and resilience of the Canadian landscape.

Swetha Vijayaraghavan


Acrylic on canvas.


The Old Guardian is the 5th painting in my series of paintings depicting landscapes of Ontario.

This is an acrylic painting measuring 20" x 24".

Where wind whispers tales on a canvas of stone, A land etched in hardship, where life stands alone. Jagged teeth of granite pierce the thin air,

A symphony of silence, a landscape laid bare.

A relentless wind sculpts the skeletal trees,

Their branches clawed fingers, reaching for a breeze.

An old guardian stands, a titan of might,

Rooted deep in defiance, against the long night.

The lake, a reflection of steel and of slate,

Churns with a fury, defying all fate.

White-capped waves crash on the rocky embrace, A relentless ballet in this desolate space.

For even in harshness, where life seems so frail,

A stubborn defiance, a spirit that won't fail.

The tree, the lone witness, weathered and stark,
A testament to strength in the face of the dark.

Swetha Vijayaraghavan