Taruna Singh

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Taruna Singh is an acrylic mixed media artist who expresses her emotions with vibrant colours, rich textures and intuitive gestural mark making. Her inspiration is drawn from the diversity of cultures she has experienced living around the world . Taruna holds an Associates Degree in Art and Advertising Design from New York City Technical College. After working as a graphic designer for over two decades, the pandemic provided a conduit to reconnect Taruna with fine art. Painting is Singh's daily cathartic meditation to inner peace.


My creations are intuitive impressions of spontaneity seeking stillness. Every painting is a playful balancing act of juxtapositions. Because I have moved so much in life, there is no one place I call home. Home for me exists, only, in that blissful moment of creation where I am one with my art. This is the place where I find stillness and peace. As the eye navigates through my creations, the clearly dense multifaceted places in the art implore a pause to look deeper. I build depth by layering vivid emotional memories with paint, mark making, foliage, mediums, collage and anything that enhances a sense of hi'story' - my 'story'.


Mixed media on canvas.


This collection embodies the notion of “sounds of constraint” transforming into pathways of liberation, echoing the quest for freedom. It is a journey where the resonance within reverberates outward, touching the world around me. In my creative process, music serves as both catalyst and canvas. It sets the stage for my exploration, guiding the movement and rhythm of my artistic expression. Like circles and waves, my visual compositions mirror the fluidity and cadence of sound waves. As I listen, I am moved by the harmonies and melodies, finding synchronicity between the auditory and the visual.

Taruna Singh


Mixed media on canvas.


This collection embodies the notion of “sounds of constraint” transforming into pathways of liberation, echoing the quest for freedom. It is a journey where the resonance within reverberates outward, touching the world around me. In my creative process, music serves as both catalyst and canvas. It sets the stage for my exploration, guiding the movement and rhythm of my artistic expression. Like circles and waves, my visual compositions mirror the fluidity and cadence of sound waves. As I listen, I am moved by the harmonies and melodies, finding synchronicity between the auditory and the visual.

Taruna Singh


Mixed media on canvas.


This collection embodies the notion of “sounds of constraint” transforming into pathways of liberation, echoing the quest for freedom. It is a journey where the resonance within reverberates outward, touching the world around me. In my creative process, music serves as both catalyst and canvas. It sets the stage for my exploration, guiding the movement and rhythm of my artistic expression. Like circles and waves, my visual compositions mirror the fluidity and cadence of sound waves. As I listen, I am moved by the harmonies and melodies, finding synchronicity between the auditory and the visual.

Taruna Singh


Acrylics on canvas.


How would it feel to get lost in all these circles of cyclonic moment? Would you find your way out or go deeper? This colourful piece is all about movement making the eye travel through layers and layers of emotions.

Taruna Singh


Mixed media on canvas.


Nagar means town in my native language Punjabi. This painting is about the inner workings of a town that is constantly changing, growing and evolving.

Taruna Singh


Mixed media on canvas.


A glimpse of a burnt wall perhaps with dabs, stains, textures, markings that tell a story. Textures are created using corrugated board, sand, foil, papers and paint.

Taruna Singh