Acrylic on canvas, lacquer.


Are You Fashioning Your Thoughts?" is an artwork that gently nudges us to pay attention not just to how we appear on the outside but also to what's going on inside. It encourages us to take charge of our own world and become the directors of our own outlook on life.

This artwork is like a soothing breath of fresh air with its earthy and mild colors. It's like a warm hug from nature itself. The gentle hues used in the piece remind us of the tranquility of a serene forest or a calm beach, grounding us in a sense of peace and balance.

When you look closely, you'll notice the rich texture in the artwork. It's like running your fingers over the bark of an ancient tree or feeling the softness of the sand beneath your toes. This texture adds depth and complexity to the piece, mirroring the intricate nature of our thoughts and the world we create within ourselves.

And, let's not forget the square shape of the artwork. It's like a window into a world of contemplation. The square is a symbol of stability and balance, reminding us to find equilibrium in our thoughts and actions as we craft our own unique perspective on life.

Are you fashioning your thoughts?

Kateryna Kobylianska



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