Acrylic on canvas (framed).


In this painting, we see different species working together.

The emblematic, hard-working beaver swims towards its destination, branch in mouth. It is balanced within the wilderness scene. Its placement is centered, from its nose to the tip of its tail. The fish below are equally spaced across the painting.

The bear in the canoe is not a sight one normally sees. It is playful, and at the same time seen as representing us within the painting.
We are part of and not separate from nature.
The bear and canoe seem centred within the composition, yet the canoe is actually off-center.
We are still working on making connections and finding our place within our natural environment.

These connections are seen throughout the painting, not only through the relationship between the beaver and bear. The beaver’s branch and the bear’s paddle are angled to meet each other if the lines were continued. The angle of the branch and paddle repeats itself within the composition, as seen within the load of branches that the bear is transporting.

The beaver and bear carry their supplies to build a home, swimming towards their unseen destination.

Working Together

Dawn McArthur



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