Stretched Canvas photography (framed).


Unique original art work 1-of-1 on stretched Canvas. Mixed media collage with vintage map (anno 1929). Hand-applied acrylic paint. Hand applied ink. Gold platted wall covering. Varnish.
Ready to hang. Black metal frame 0.5” wide. Wired.
Total frame size - 25.5x17.5" - (65x45cm)
Total image size - 24x16” - (61x41xm)
Signed by Florian Innerkofler in front. Stamped, titled and dated on Verso.
All works can be shipped worldwide by art courier.
Alternatively works can be viewed and/or picked up at my studio in Toronto, Canada.
We also offer free “art-fitting” within the GTA. (Greater Toronto Area)
Fine Art prints in an edition of 5 can be ordered in full custom size.
All unique works are not refundable.
For every print sale we make a donation to the UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR.

24x16" + Frame

POOL x CORDULA, SPAIN, 2022, I, 1-of-1

Florian Innerkofler


Photography and painting

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