Grandeast Wright

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I am Grand, a local visual artist based in Chicago. I mainly work with oil & acrylic. I absolutely love creating unique & custom art. I also love to create portrait paintings.


Acrylic and oil on canvas.


Portrait Study of Chadwick Boseman. This painting represents the impact of discipline within one’s life & to the world. Boseman accomplished a lot of great things within his life before his sudden passing, but he left many empowered from his foundation and service in the creative arts. Boseman truly left a legacy of hard work, determination, strength and uniqueness. This painting reminds us to use our inner power to create, inspire, to be big, to be large in life, to make a big impact in life.

Grandeast Wright


Acrylic and oil on canvas.


This Piece “Arctic Solace” focuses on being the spirit of discernment. Being able to be in tune with one’s self, one’s ideas and one’s fierceness. I wanted the viewer to be gravitate towards the distance & cold climate beneath the chilled shoulder of the subject. I also wanted to show a cold reality & warm reality at the same time, to represent life’s constants ups & downs. This piece embodies perseverance, rigorous strength & the spirit of the wolf in navigating through environments of darkness.

Grandeast Wright