Acrylics, Spray Paint and Markers on Canvas


Created in my studio in Toronto, Canada. Located in the 401 Richmond building.

Part of the IMMI Series.

This fella' has the opportunity to live his life any way he can, and it can go both ways. This time he chose self-awareness and introspection and uses every tool at his disposal to keep true to himself. In his spare time, he thinks about what would happened if ego and fear ran his life. Then he looks around him and realizes he made the right choice, and the world is better for it.

The word IMMI refers to Immigrants. When I started High School in New Jersey, my first days I noticed that some classmates called the ESL kids "the immis". I guess IMMI is cooler than immigrant. The aim of this series is to portray IMMIs in every stage of their journey abroad.


Jose Cifuentes



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