Acrylic on canvas.


Here I am Statement:
In my collection of paintings, the recurring theme is a profound exploration of the self, encapsulated in the powerful phrase "Here I Am." Each canvas serves as a mirror reflecting the intricacies of my personal journey, capturing moments of self-discovery, vulnerability, and resilience. Through diverse brushstrokes and a rich palette, I invite viewers to witness the layers of my existence, embracing authenticity and embracing the essence of being present in one's own narrative. "Here I Am" is not just a declaration; it's an artistic journey, a visual ode to introspection, and a celebration of the intricate tapestry that forms the core of who I am as an artist and an individual.Within my collection of paintings, the resounding theme "Here I Am" narrates a visual odyssey through the tapestry of my life, intertwining the profound experiences of pregnancy, love, and immigration. Each canvas stands as a testament to the richness of these interconnected narratives, capturing the essence of presence and self-discovery.
The brushstrokes unfold a chapter dedicated to pregnancy, depicting the ethereal beauty and transformative power of new life. The canvases breathe life into the delicate dance between vulnerability and strength, echoing the essence of "Here I Am" as a declaration of embracing the evolving self.
Love becomes a vibrant palette in the collection, as the paintings explore the complexities, joys, and challenges inherent in profound human connections. The theme resonates through the interplay of colors and forms, celebrating the universal language of the heart and the enduring strength discovered within intimate relationships.
The timeline extends to immigration, where the canvases echo the resilience, adaptation, and cultural fusion that define the immigrant experience. "Here I Am" transcends borders, embodying a visual narrative of identity, belonging, and the courage it takes to forge a new path in unfamiliar terrain.
Together, these themes converge into a harmonious symphony of self-expression, inviting viewers to witness the layers of my story while encouraging them to reflect on their own journeys. "Here I Am" emerges not just as a theme but as a universal proclamation—a celebration of existence, love, and the courageous spirit that defines the human experience.

Here I Am

Nazanin Sepandram



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