Acrylic on canvas (set of 3).


In this vibrant triptych, I explored a harmony of geometry and texture. Crafted with acrylics, each canvas pulses with energy, bearing symbols that hint at mysticism and the cosmos. The central eye draws viewers into a tapestry of semi-abstract forms, meant to evoke a sense of ancient wisdom reimagined for the modern soul. Incorporating this piece into your space promises to infuse it with a sense of wonder and enduring curiosity. Number 666, in this vibrant triptych, I explored a harmony of geometry and texture., is a lucky number, could be a bad number, beige colors, 666, Acrylic on canvas, 3 elements 16x16 inch, or 40,5x40,5 cm, Total 40.5x122 cm, SKU 1036, Certificate of Authenticity, hand made, ready to hang

Number 666

Romeo Dobrota



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