Acrylic on canvas.


I explore the themes of free will, death, and beauty through the depiction of a red skull against a dotted background. This artwork serves as a visual meditation on the inevitability of mortality, the transient nature of existence, and the profound beauty that can be found within the finite moments we possess.
At the core of this piece lies the concept of free will—an intrinsic aspect of the human experience that allows us to shape our own destinies. The red skull, a timeless symbol of mortality, confronts the viewer with the undeniable reality of death. It serves as a reminder that in the face of our own mortality, the choices we make become imbued with greater significance and urgency. The skull, stripped of flesh and individual identity, represents the universal nature of death, inviting contemplation on the fragility and fleeting nature of life itself.

Death's Calling

Rebecca Zhao



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