Acrylic on canvas.


This painting depicts the shocking events of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre in New York City.

From the fire balls resulting from the impact of 2 passenger planes into the structures, to the falling and collapse of the structures themselves, the piece exhibits massive energy throughout. The building can be seen bleeding. Although it really focuses on actual beings bleeding from injuries as well as the souls who perished and suffered during that terrible even, the building itself, a living entity in it's own way, also suffered a catastrophic blow and met it's final destiny of dying through structural collapse. The buildings, made of concrete and steel, emit themselves a vibrating frequency of existence. A frequency with which those who live in the city and country have an affection towards, as if the structure itself is seen as being one of their family members in a vast cityscape.

The eyes (bottom right) represent those of people who have perished. The piece is very violent yet hopeful. I wanted to convey a message of hope that those lost souls would rise to the Heavens (in the cloud to the left of the painting) and live forever in love and enlightenment with the Great Spirit/Creator.

Fallen Brothers

Sean Singer



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