Acrylic on canvas.


It is the third installment of the series "Summer Holidays: Childhood Nostalgia, "I am continuing my journey through time, thinking about family ties and the enduring legacy of generations past.
For me, the painting becomes a window into the interconnectedness of the past, present, and future, where the brushstrokes of each era converge, intertwine, and leave an indelible mark on the life narrative.
The painting has the same color palette with bright and vibrant colors as previous paintings of this series. The layers of color and texture echo the complexity of human existence, where triumphs and tribulations intermingle, and life's rich tapestry unfolds in all its beauty.
Each element was carefully arranged, and the composition takes on a compelling symbolism. At the center of the canvas stands a family( two boats), generations united, bound by the thread of time. The brushstrokes that form the elders' figures are laden with reverence and respect, embodying their vital support as the pillars of wisdom and guidance for the family's younger members. The support and love bestowed by the oldest generation become the bedrock on which our achievements and happiness are built.
Reflecting on the continuity between generations will inspire you to cherish and honor the wisdom passed down from those who came before us.

SummerHolidays: Childhood Nostalgia 3

Vera Saiko



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